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Orange Country

Orange Country


   coorge, Karnataka

When you step into the portals of Orange County, Coorg, you leave one world behind, and step seamlessly into another: the bygone era of the Gentleman Planter. Ensconced in the cocooned comforts of a lush 300-acre plantation paradise, the resort is perfumed with the subtly intoxicating aroma of coffee and spice. Come, allow the Spirit of the land to infuse your very being, and coax you gently on a personal voyage of discovery. Orange County Resorts and Hotels Ltd. is committed to the concept of ‘Responsible Tourism’ through which it seeks to enhance the economic, social and environmental well-being of the host community, apart from incentivizing the retention and regeneration of their unique culture. The brand ‘Orange County’ is committed to employing the best in environmental and ecological practices in technology, equipment and operational processes.

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